FUURT arranges a webinar on current migration issues on 6 May 2024 from 15 to 16.30. The webinar is held in English.
The current government’s programme regarding migration policy has caused concerns among FUURT members and the scientific community at large. There are also contradictory developments when it comes to migration of researchers and academics: on the one hand, there is a growing need to attract more international talents to Finland, yet, on the other hand, the general policy is to introduce various restrictions on migration. Consequently, there is confusion which government proposals might influence international researchers specifically.
As a forum for open discussion among FUURT members on current migration issues, we will organise a webinar on Monday, 6 May at 15.00–16.30. The programme will include:
Presentations by
Miia Ijäs-Idrobo, FUURT senior adviser: The current status of researcher’s residence permit and the government programme initiatives related to migration.
Antero Puhakka, chief shop steward at UEF: FUURT members’ experiences on the Finnish migration system according to the FUURT member survey 2022.
The presentations will be followed by open discussion.
The webinar is targeted to FUURT international members who might have their own specific questions related to migration issues, but also other FUURT active members who wish to learn more about the residence permit system regarding researchers.
The webinar is open to FUURT members only and requires registration. Link to the event registration has been sent to FUURT members in a newsletter on 12 April 2024.