Job search in Finland

This webinar will discuss job search in Finland from many perspectives. How do I write an effective motivation letter and polish my CV? How do I contact potential employers? How do I find open positions and what does it take to make the employers see my potential? We will also discuss what one must take into consideration when looking for a job in English in Finland. What kind of jobs are available and where to find them? Webinar will offer both practical tips for job seeking and further information on job seeking in various professional fields.

The webinar is for you if

  • You are looking for a new job or considering new opportunities

  • Your professional and job seeking language is English



240_heta.jpgCoach: Heta Aali

Heta Aali is a career coach who combines theory and practice! Heta has a Ph.D. in Cultural History and in addition to working for at the UP Partners as a career coach she is a researcher at the University of Turku. She is specialised in helping people with academic background to find their ideal career paths – both in and outside academia. Yet, as a career coach Heta desires to help everyone who needs help planning their next career move regardless of their educational background. Due to her extensive travels she is able to coach also in English and French.