Your Shortcut to Professional Integration: soft skills workshops to support career development in Finland

Do you have difficulty presenting yourself during job interviews and breaking through the recruitment process in Finland? Do you want to know the tips and tricks for good leadership and how to form a functioning team? Do you seek guidance on how to conquer that voice inside you that keeps saying you are not good enough? 

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, we at The Shortcut have the solution for you!  

In collaboration with FUURT, we are holding 3 more workshops where our team of Career Coaches help you to overcome the roadblocks that stand between you and your career goals.  

Over 3 weeks, our brilliant coaches will tackle pressing topics and concerns that you have about employment!

All the workshops will be held online, from 14 to 16 on three consecutive Wednesdays: 25.9, 2.10, and 9.10. The language of the workshops is English.  

Participation is open to FUURT members regardless of their current job situation. Registration is separate to each of the 3 workshops, so you can choose to participate in one, two or all the workshops, according to your needs and wishes. The registration to all workshops ends on 19 September at 12.00. Spots are limited so be quick to register! 


25.9. Master job interviews and recruitment process communication with Anna Weissenberg

In this workshop, we explain how to do proactive pre-interview outreach and prepare for your next interview, including company research and mock interview practice. We will also go over verbal and non-verbal communication, LinkedIn etiquettes, and follow-up after the interview. 

Anna specialises in supporting highly educated individuals in their professional development and through strategic career transitions. With her extensive expertise in coaching, mentoring, human resource development, communication strategies, and personal and professional growth, Anna serves as a partner for those navigating the complexities of career trajectories within and outside academia.  

Register here: 25.9. Master job interviews and recruitment process communication with Anna Weissenberg 


2.10. Learn the secret to leadership and high performing teams with Roberto D’Abrosca

This interactive session helps you define the first steps you need to know as a new team leader. You will learn how to grow with your team towards high performance, support team members’ growth, and develop a servant leadership style. 

Roberto is an accredited coach and mentor who focuses on the ”here and now” to help his clients unleash their potential and achieve their goals. An Italian expat with a work background in several industries and leadership positions in Finland since 2006, he is passionate about helping people find direction and meaning in their professional life, along with helping new leaders grow with a servant and people-first attitude. 

Register here: 2.10. Learn the secret to leadership and high performing teams with Roberto D’Abrosca 

9.10. Conquer your imposter syndrome with Yvonne Westerlund

In this workshop, our coach will guide you to recognise the early signs of imposter syndrome, be mindful of the different ways in which it manifests, and take control back into your own hand. 

Yvonne is a warm hearted and seasoned career and leadership coach who specialises in career development, intentional communication, networking, mindset matters and self-confidence when pursuing one’s dreams. She is dedicated in supporting both international talents and Finns in navigating the ever changing local work landscape. 

Register here: 9.10. Conquer your imposter syndrome with Yvonne Westerlund   




The Shortcut workshops are part of FUURT’s career services during 2024, and are open to all FUURT members.