Apurahansaajien työhyvinvointiwebinaari: How to support your wellbeing at work as a grant recipient?

Maatalousyrittäjien eläkelaitos Melan, Taiteen edistämiskeskus Taiken ja Tieteentekijöiden liiton yhteinen webinaari apurahansaajien työhyvinvoinnista järjestetään 27. syyskuuta 2023. Webinaari on englanninkielinen. 


13.00 Welcoming words
Introduction of Mela, Art Promotion Centre Finland and the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers.

13.10 Balancing job demands and resources as a grant recipient
Sara Lindström, Specialized Researcher, DSc (Econ), Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

  • Possibilities to decrease job demands
  • Ways of strengthening job resources
  • Facilitating recovery from work

14.00 Break

14.05 Career coaching for grant recipients: facilitated group discussion about job demands and resources
Pauliina Valtasaari, Doctor of music (DMus), professional career supervisor

  • What kind of demands and resources do you recognize in your grant work?
  • What factors should be changed to support your wellbeing?
  • How to find balance between desired change and inevitable realities?

15.00 Webinar ends

Ilmoittaudu mukaan täällä 24.9.2023 mennessä!