Union close to you
The Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers has its roots in the salary mutiny of university assistants at the end of the 1960s. Korkeakoulujen Assistenttiliitto (the Union of Higher Education Assistants) was established in 1967. The current name, the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers, was adopted in 1997.
Today, we are an active trade union that represents all those working in science, research and higher education. Our members are supported by associations, skilled shop stewards as well as our strong negotiation position and extensive advocacy networks.
We are Akava’s largest and most influential union in the university sector as well as the most qualified expert in questions regarding researchers working in other sectors.
The Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers includes 16 member associations with over 7,000 members. According to our latest member survey, the most common titles of our members are: university lecturer, junior researcher, doctoral researcher, doctoral student, postdoctoral researcher, senior researcher and researcher.
Union’s history and background
When the union celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2007, Adjunct Professor Mika Kallioinen published his history book Tieteentekijän muuttuva kuva (The Changing Image of an Academic, available only in Finnish).
Acatiimi also looked back at the union’s history but from a slightly different perspective in the article Assistenttiliitosta Tieteentekijöiden liitoksi – puheenjohtajien silmin (From Assistants’ Union to Academics’ Union – Through the Eyes of the Chairpersons, available only in Finnish).
In 2017, the union celebrated its 50th anniversary with the 50 Academics campaign. In honour of the jubilee, the campaign introduced 50 academics and their views on why promoting scientific knowledge is especially important today.
50 ACADEMICS (in Finnish)

An extensive association network in 12 cities
Through our 16 member associations, the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers has local activities in Espoo, Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa and Rovaniemi. Two of our member associations are nationwide: the Information Academics (Informaatioalan Akateemiset, INA) and the Finnish Association of Academic Researchers (Suomen akateemisten tutkijoiden yhdistys, SATY) and Suomen ammattikorkeakoulujen tieteentekijät (Samkot).
Sharing information, support and security
We strive to make the scientific community into a great working community, where salaries correspond to the demands of the work and where there are no groundless fixed-term employment relationships.
- We negotiate the salaries and other employment terms and conditions of the university staff with the university employer.
- We had a decisive impact on the fact that grant-funded workers were included within the scope of the statutory pension insurance and the employer’s liability insurance.
- Our representatives are continuously in contact with decision-makers influencing the position of university staff both nationally and in all universities.
- Our representatives operate in Akava’s decision-making bodies.
- The Ministry of Education and Culture, universities and the Academy of Finland request statements from us.
- We are consulted by the Parliament when dealing with university and research policy.
- We actively promote the position of people in fixed-term employments, the situation of junior researchers, the employment of PhDs and the funding of both universities and research.