Tampere Technology Researchers and Teachers – 3T
We are located at Tampere University, Hervanta campus area. 3T is a member of the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers, and is devoted to watching over the interests of its members in their work in matters relating to economic, social and professional issues.
Join us
To join, please fill in the electronic form here.
We have kept our membership fee as reasonable 1% from salary or 8€/month.
Membership benefits include unemployment security, legal counselling, FUURT’s other benefits, promotion of interests, dinner and drinks at 3T’s annual meetings and participation to other association’s events.
Chairman: Marko Helenius, 040-8490758, TE210, firstname.lastname@tuni.fi
Secretary: Alexander Efimov, 040-1981134, FC218, alexandre.lastname@tuni.fi
Membership secretary: Outi Sievi-Korte, 050-3014202, TF110, firstname.lastname@tuni.fi
Shop steward: Marko Helenius