Researchers, teachers and academic experts – welcome to the Union!

The Finnish Union of University Reseachers and Teachers (FUURT) is the trade union for those working in research and science, actively advocating for better working conditions and research funding. FUURT is the right union for all researchers and university teachers regardless of their career stage. 

In Finland, being a member of a trade union is common and beneficial. Trade unions offer various forms of support, including professional training, career coaching, and legal advice. 

  • Professional Support: Access training and career coaching to advance your career in Finland.
  • Legal Assistance: Receive legal advice and support regarding your rights and employment conditions.
  • Advocacy: Benefit from FUURT’s efforts to improve working conditions and research funding.
  • Community: Join a supportive network of professionals in research and academia. 

Within the universities, the Union is present to support and assist its members with an extensive and competent network of Union shop stewards and advisors right within the workplace, a benefit not provided by other unions. The Union negotiates with the Employers’ Association of Universities in Finland on the wages and other employment terms and conditions of university personnel. The Union actively lobbies, both publicly and through its interest groups, on issues such as the position of fixed-term employees, the status of early career researchers and grant researchers, the employment of doctorate holders, and the funding of universities and science in general.


You can complete an online membership application here.

With the same application you apply to become a member of FUURT, one of our member associations and the Unemployment Fund for Education and Science.



Membership benefits

We offer tailored legal advice and career services specifically for those working in science and research. As our member, you will have access to benefits such as insurance and legal protection, training and career counseling, and extensive leisure-time benefits.


Membership fees

The membership fee for FUURT is generally 1% of the pre-tax salary. There is a separate fixed membership fee for grant researchers, students, and retirees. Both the percentage-based and fixed membership fees include the unemployment fund membership fee.


Updating membership details

Please inform us of any changes to your membership details, such as a changed employment relationship or contact information, so we can look after your interests.


An extensive network in 12 cities

Through our 16 member associations, the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers has local activities in Espoo, Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa and Rovaniemi. Three of our member associations are nationwide: the Information Academics (Informaatioalan Akateemiset, INA), the Finnish Association of Academic Researchers (Suomen akateemisten tutkijoiden yhdistys, SATY) and the Suomen ammattikorkeakoulujen tieteentekijät, Samkot ry. 

You can join the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers through one of its many member associations. 

