FUURT’s new compensation recommendation

Which issues affect compensation for written work and how much can I invoice for a written statement for the Parliament? Should Master’s degree holders and docents receive the same compensation for presentations? Can I also include travel costs in my invoice?

The earnings of an academic are generated from many separate sources of income. In addition to salary, grants and other monetary compensations, an academic also earns money, e.g., from teaching, writing and different types of public presentations. For many academics, income other than wages from employment represents a significant part of the generated income. That is why it is important to be aware of general compensation levels, so that you can adjust your compensation request for the situation and purpose.

When drafting a compensation request, you should consider your level of education and expert experience as well as, for example, the potential recording of the presentation.

Our updated compensation recommendation concerns those commissions that are often carried out outside of the employment relationship. They also include a new rate for doctors and docents.

Take a look and take it into use!

If you do billable work, you should utilise FUURT membership benefits for light entrepreneurs: get a 20% discount from the UKKO Light Entrepreneurship service or OP Kevytyrittäjä service.

Read more! (In Finnish)