Research Professionals’ working groups  

Active members participate in a variety of ways, for example, in the Union’s working groups. In 2025, the Union of Research Professionals has tree working groups: 

  • Information and open science working group 

Information and open science working group 

The working group supports the Union Board and office in their work on the promotion of interest in issues related to open science and information by preparing statements and commenting on open science projects, among other things. The working group also shares information and understanding about current topics in open science and information and provides peer support.  The working group also considers the broader and principled foundation of open science. Invitations to join the group have usually been sent out through the member associations to those interested in the theme. 

  • The group’s term runs until the end of 2025.
  • The chair is Maija Paavolainen and secretary Miia Ijäs-Idrobo.