Aalto University offers a range of representative bodies and support personnel to assist researchers and teachers. This section provides guidance on who to contact based on your specific needs. This page caters particularly to early career researcher (ECRs) and doctoral researchers at Aalto.

  • FUURT Union Office: FUURT is part of AKAVA confederation responsible for negotiation of collective agreement with employers in the university sector. They also provide unemployment insurance through The Unemployment Fund for Education and Science, legal aid in matters of employment, legal counselling for its members and matters related to harassment, fixed term contracts, etc.


  • ATTE: ATTE is a FUURT member association at Aalto University. We serve as a link to the union and our members at Aalto University. We gather collective needs of our members to share with the union representatives, organize events for the members, and communicate with the university to promote the interests of our members.


  • Aallonhuiput: Aalto University Doctoral Researchers Association (Aallonhuiput) is a registered association that connects doctoral researchers at Aalto University through their events and advocacy. They are a voice to the doctoral community at the university level in various committees as well as collaboration with university communications and educational services, and strive for the well-being and success of every doctoral researchers. It is not a union association that can offer individual support in matters of employment contracts or supervision practices.


  • Ombudspersons: Ombudspersons are voluntary professors with solid experience in academic practices whom doctoral students can contact confidentially in challenges related to the thesis work. They act independently to provide easy-access support. You can contact any ombudsperson regardless of your school/department.You can contact the ombudspersons whenever you need support in your doctoral thesis work, but you feel unable to discuss with your supervising professor or thesis advisor(s). Ombudspersons are not meant to act as mediators in conflicts but they can give you support and advice on how to proceed.You can find more details here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/doctoral-education/ombudspersons-for-doctoral-students


  • Shop Stewards: The shop stewards act as personnel representatives in Aalto’s co-operation and provide support and advice e.g. in the field of Aalto cooperation. in matters related to the employment relationship or the interpretation of a collective agreement.