Wellbeing at work
The Union of Research Professionals helps its members in different areas concerning work wellness.
The Union has a comprehensive system of union representatives and shop stewards within the universities. The Union and its highly experienced representatives are ready to help in all situations in which members require assistance. Such situations might concern, for example, workplace bullying or occupational safety. The Union also co-operates with the occupational health and safety representatives within the workplace.
Wellbeing at work refers to the mental and physical well-being of the employees within the workplace. Every employee has the right to feel well and succeed in their work. The work atmosphere, mould problems, personal protective equipment or ergonomics are all matters that may affect an employee’s well-being at work.
The work must not be too much of a strain physically or mentally, nor can the work environment be allowed to put the employee’s physical or mental health at risk. The employer or representative of the employer also has a personal responsibility, for example, for preventing bullying in the workplace, and for intervening in such cases and in other matters related to the work atmosphere. Provisions concerning work wellness are included in, among other laws, the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Employment Contracts Act.
The Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVI) also provide assistance in occupational health and safety issues.