Newsletter 3 / 2018

1. FfÅA autumn assembly and discussion

1. FfÅA autumn assembly

Members of FfÅA are invited to the FfÅA autumn assembly on Wednesday 3.10 at 18.00, at restaurant Gustavo, Linnankatu 1,
At the autumn assembly standard statutory matters will be discussed and a new board for 2018 will be elected.
FfÅA aspires to have board members from all faculties at Åbo Akademi, and representing all categories of researchers. So if you feel that being on the board is for you, or you know someone suitable, contact us ( or come to the autumn assembly! We are in particular need of doctoral candidates.

After the meeting there will be a discussion about the place of affilated researchers in the research environment of the university.


The working life of a researcher is often fragmented, with many short term projects, and moving between employments, grant periods, and times of unemployment. What’s the situation at your faculty? Have you experienced forms of exclusion, or can you tell of sunshine stories in the way researchers who do not hold permanent positions have been included?
Come and share your experiences with other researchers at the autumn assembly. The shop stewards Mika Helander and Camilla Kronqvist, responsible for the researchers, will be present and answer questions such as; What is the difference between being employed and being on a grant? What does the union do to improve the situation of affiliated researchers?

All members welcome! Notify of your presence  on Wednesdag 26.9 by the latest. (The dinner is subsidized by FfÅA.)