FUURT Session: International early career researchers in Finland – experiences and future expectations

FUURT will organise a session at the Spring Forum for International Affairs on Thursday, 16 May 2024 from 10.30 to 11.30. The session offers a “sneak peek” at the results of FUURT’s 2024 survey for early career researchers (ECRs).

In our latest survey, we tackle the experiences, perceptions and expectations of ECRs concerning careers in and outside academia. In our survey we also examine the ECRs’ experiences within their academic community, which for international ECRs is often the first contact to Finnish education, work life as well as society at large, and thus plays an important role in attraction and retention of international talents in Finland.

The FUURT survey for ECRs was conducted in February 2024 and it was answered by current PhD researchers and those who have completed their doctorate within the last four (4) years. Traditionally, the survey has received a considerable number of responses from international researchers in Finland. Thus the survey offers an excellent opportunity to see (a) how Finnish universities play a key role in attracting and retaining international talent, (b) what kind of experiences and expectations international ECRs have regarding academic work and career prospects after the doctorate, and (c) whether these experiences and expectations critically differ from those of the Finnish ECRs.

In the session, FUURT senior adviser Miia Ijäs-Idrobo will present the results of the survey. The presentation will be followed by a discussion about Finnish higher education institutions as drivers in attraction and retention, and career prospects of international talents in Finland. University lecturer Andrew Pattison (University of Oulu), PhD researcher Rimsha Naeem (University of Vaasa), and postdoctoral researcher Iuliia Gataulina (Tampere University) will take part in the discussion. The session is held in English.

The event is aimed at people working with international affairs in higher education institutions. In 2024, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) is responsible for the arrangements in cooperation with EDUFI.

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