At a career crossroads. Survey for early career researchers conducted by FUURT in 2020-21

The Early career researchers’ working group of the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT) conducted a survey for doctoral researchers and those who have recently completed their doctorate around the turn of 2020–2021.

The survey clarified the work situation, research funding, work prerequisites, future prospects and career plans of early career researchers. In this report, the term early career researcher refers to doctoral researchers and those who have recently completed their doctorate (within 1–4 years).

The survey is a continuum of the surveys conducted in 2012 and 2017. This time the survey was conducted by Aula Research Oy in co-operation with FUURT.

At a career crossroads. Survey for early career researchers conducted by FUURT in 2020-21

Read more: Doctors of a thousand career paths -event recording is available until the end of September.