UOA information stand on the 6th of Feb. 2pm-4pm at the gray stairs in Linnanmaa campus

On 6 February, UOA will set up an information stand to introduce the association’s activities and discuss current affairs. The event takes place at the Linnanmaa campus near the gray stairs (e.g. Virransilta, next to the X1 doors). Come stop by to chat about current topics in our trade union. On offer will be coffee, tea, and good company!

NOTE! Akava is arranging walkouts on the 6th of February in Helsinki, Tampere and Turku, in which FUURT trade union members in those cities will also participate. UOA’s stand is not part of the Akava and FUURT walkouts, which concern only the aforementioned cities.

The Akava and FUURT walkouts are to protest government policies that weaken workers’ rights. Such policies include: the export-sector-led negotiation model, easing conditions for fixed-term contracts, and scaling down earnings-related unemployment benefits.