Statement on student protests

We share the concern for the welfare of students and express our support for those protesting the cuts to the student benefit system.  

Studying is a time that should be about the joy of learning and growing as a member of the academic community. Cuts to students’ social assistance will increase financial pressures in students’ lives, which will impact academic progress and wellbeing. We know that financial concerns and uncertainty are not always conducive to studying, and the challenges of student wellbeing affect the academic community as a whole. In this context, cuts to student benefits seem disproportionate.  

We understand the students who are protesting, and we share their concern for their future and their ability to succeed in their studies. We hope our government will consider the students’ situation and recognise the importance of supporting full-time study.    

Members of FUURT are welcome to participate in demonstrations in support of students on their own time. Participation during working hours is not possible or is at the personal risk of the employee (no union decision has been taken to protect the employee).