Members of FUURT working in managerial or supervisory positions often lead multicultural work environments where interaction and cooperation are challenged by cultural differences and different ways of working. These challenges can also be reflected in both individual and communal work well-being as well as the meaningfulness of work.
This spring, a four-part FUURT webinar series tackles the challenges leaders in multicultural work environments face. Discussing topics such as communication, resilience, and emotional skills, the series offers concrete tools with which to lead multicultural environments successfully.
Webinars in the series
- On 23 March 2023 at 3 p.m.-4 p.m.: Leading organizational culture in multicultural work environments, hosted by Ulrike Zacharias
- On 20 April 2023 at 3 p.m.-4 p.m.: Leading interaction and communication in multicultural work environments, hosted by Reetta Viinanen
- On 11 May 2023 at 3 p.m.-4 p.m.: Leading resilience and emotional skills in multicultural work environments, hosted by Laura Valli
The topic and host of the fourth webinar will be revealed during spring 2023. All the webinars are held in English and they are open to all FUURT members interested in learning more about the management of multicultural work environments.
Registration is already open! See the webinars in the FUURT event calendar for more information.
The recordings can be watched afterwards in the UP! Partners career portal.