Welcome to Finland?

Finland has succeeded in attracting researchers from abroad, but can we trust that this situation will continue? Are the international researchers who are already here interested in staying in our country? 

Researcher mobility to Finland has increased significantly in recent years. Universities are recruiting foreign doctoral researchers and hiring postdoctoral researchers, for example, for different types of projects. The share of foreign employees among the teaching and research personnel at universities and universities of applied sciences has, therefore, increased. In terms of person-years, their share has risen over the past decade from 17% to 25%.  

In 2024, researchers arriving in Finland from non-EU/EEA countries were granted 1,342 first residence permits and 1,826 extended permits. International researchers are found at all universities in Finland, which is reflected in trade union activities as well. For example, around one third of the current membership of the Association of Researchers and Teachers in Eastern Finland (ITTE) have an international background. More than 60 per cent of them have joined the Union during the last five years.  

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government Programme includes several legislative amendments that tighten immigration policy, some of which have already entered into force. These changes are not primarily directed at higher education professionals or researchers, and, for example, the three-month unemployment rule does not apply to those who are here for the purpose of conducting scientific research. 

Researchers can, therefore, continue to reside in Finland for the duration of their residence permit, even if their employment ends before the work permit expires. The discussion about immigration as a problem does, however, also affect researchers whose roots lie outside Finland. 

From research on migration-related decision-making, we know the important role that images or conceptions play in the decision-making process. Finland’s repeated ranking as the happiest country in the world is a more important appeal factor than, for example, the social security or wage level offered by our country. If this image is tarnished by the idea of inward-looking and racist politics, researchers may decide to choose another country that they believe would be more welcoming. The tightened immigration policy and general anti-immigration attitudes can also affect the desire of foreign researchers who are already here to remain in Finland.  

Internationality is commonplace for us researchers: we present our research results at conferences abroad and publish in international journals. Many of us do part of our doctoral thesis work abroad, participate in researcher exchanges at top universities in our relevant field, and seek employment in the international labour market. Let’s ensure that Finland will continue to be a country where international researchers want to come and live. 

Saara Koikkalainen is a member of the Board of the Union of Research Professionals. She works as a Senior Researcher at the Karelian Institute of the University of Eastern Finland. She is a sociologist and migration researcher.  


Akava Works 2025: Korkean osaamistason maahanmuuttokatsaus 1/25.

Finnish Immigration Service 2025: Statistics.

Vipunen 2025: Personnel (in Finnish). Reporting portal of the Finnish education administration.