SATY member – Apply for a grant!

Since 2021, SATY has awarded grants for professional development to its members. Grants are awarded for further professional training, conference travel, publication costs or the promotion of well-being at work, for example.The grant application is currently open, and the deadline is September 15th.

Decisions on the grants are made in the October Board meeting. The maximum amount of an individual grant is 500 euros. In 2024, the SATY Board may award grants of up to 2 000 euros.

The Board has discretion over the amount and size of the grants awarded. Social and economic considerations are taken into account when awarding grants. Particular efforts will be made to support members who are currently not in employment.  

Information about the grant decision will be sent to the recipients personally, and the awarded grants will be published on SATY’s website. The grants are paid in October-November.