What is the e-service?
The Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers uses an electronic membership service, or e-service. Through the e-service, you can easily update any changes to your contact details or employment relationship. You can also check and pay your membership fees in the service. The e-service is available 24/7 – whenever it suits you best.
You can log in to the e-service with your bank identifiers.
You can access the e-service here.
If you need help with updating your data, please contact our member service by email membership@fuurt.fi or jasenpalvelu@tieteentekijat.fi or call tel. +358 (0)207 589 619.
Telephone service for membership matters is available on Mon-Thu at 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., tel. +358 (0)207 589 619
Frequently asked questions about the e-service
Why do I have to provide two email addresses?
In e-services you can add a private email address to the e-service and stay informed during any possible strike. Usually, we only use the primary email address in our communications. The primary address can be a work email address. Please notify us also of your private email in case your employer bans you from using your work email during a strike.
How can I inform that I’m unemployed/on family leave/on study leave?
In the e-services, an unsalaried period is reported to membership fee information.
Hasn’t my data been automatically updated?
Changes to street addresses are updated to us through the population register system. We do not receive any other data automatically. Please report any changes yourself through the e-service.
Do you have a question?
If you need help with using the e-service, please contact our membership service, membership@fuurt.fi.