Due to our office development day our legal employment counselling phone service is temporarily closed on Monday 17 August.
Contacts related to the legal issues of working life are primarily requested by e-mail. It is a good idea to include the necessary background information in the first e-mail, such as the name of the employer, a description of the problem, information on the employment relationship (permanent/fixed-term, duration etc.) and a copy of the employment contract if the matter is related to the terms and conditions of employment.
Questions can usually be answered within a few working days; however, during peak times, such as just before the holidays, it can take a little longer to answer. Please contact us well in advance so we can help you in the best possible way.
Our telephone service for legal employment counselling is open on Mondays 1–4 p.m., and on Wednesdays 9 a.m. – 12 noon on +358 (0) 207 589 621.
For additional information visit Legal counselling for members