Discussion event for FUURT member association actors

In February, we will organise two discussion events for FUURT member association actors.

The events will cover topics such as the division of work between the associations and the Union, important schedules for association activities, and data protection issues. There will also be an opportunity to pose questions and to discuss common issues. The sessions serve as orientation events especially for new member association actors – welcome!

The meetings will be held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform. One of the sessions will be in Finnish and the other in English:

  • Monday, 26 February from 2 to 3.30 p.m. (in Finnish)
  • Thursday, 29 February from 1 to 2.30 p.m. (in English)  

The content of the sessions is mostly the same, but as the events also contain informal discussions led by the participants’ questions, the topics of discussion can slightly differ.

Registration instructions have been shared to association actors on our shared Howspace-workspace platform. To get access to Howspace, please contact the Union office staff at elisa.rantoharju(at)tieteentekijat.fi.