Contact Us

Membership service and counselling

Any membership-related issues you may have can be handled via FUURT’s e-service.


In our e-service, you can send us messages using a secure connection. Simply log in to access all of FUURT’s experts.

The e-service also contains information about your membership benefits and enables you to easily update membership details and pay membership fees.

The secure connection can also be used whenever you need to send us attachments containing personal information.

You can also contact us by phone:

You can  contact us by phone on Monday–Thursday 9 a.m.–12 noon tel. +358 (0)207 589 619

Contact us by email: jasenpalvelu(at)

Legal counselling

Telephone service  is available on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. – noon and Thursdays at  noon – 4 p.m., tel. +358 (0)207 589 621.

Please note: Telephone service for legal counseling is on summer break from July 22 to August 4, 2024, and from August 12 to August 18, 2024.

At other times please contact via e-services.

Read more about the legal counselling for members.

Unemployment security

The Unemployment Fund for Education and Science  helps in matters concerning earnings-related unemployment benefits.



Emails are form: firstname.lastname(at) or  firstname.lastname(at)

Address: The Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT)
Rautatieläisenkatu 6, 00520 Helsinki

Union board and shop stewards

President of the Union

Tero Karjalainen, PhD







Nina Hahtela – Tieteentekijät

Acting Executive Director
Senior Adviser, Labour market policy
Nina Hahtela, PhD
tel. 0207 589 616





Executive Assistant
Elisa Rantoharju, MA
tel. 0207 589 624

  • Support to the Executive Director and the President of the Union
  • Event and meeting planning



Marsa Nyqvist-Hämäläinen-nettisivu2

Membership Service Specialist
Marsa Nyqvist-Hämäläinen
tel. 0207 589 614




Senior Adviser
Miia Ijäs-Idrobo, PhD
tel. 0207 589 622

  • Science and higher education policy
  • Promotion of interests: early career researchers, grant researchers and mobility issues
  • Salary counselling
  • International cooperation
  • Coordination of FUURT surveys

Please contact primarily via email (



Veera Keski-Säntti

Veera Keski-Säntti, LLM

tel. 0207 589 621

Telephone service is available on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. – noon and Thursdays at  noon – 4 p.m. At other times please contact Veera via e-services.







Financial Manager
Sanna Hoikka, MBA
tel. 0207 589 613

  • Financial planning and monitoring
  • HR management




Siiri Nousiainen-1

Head of Communications
Siiri Nousiainen
tel. 0207 589 617

  • Overall planning of communications
  • Media connections and partnerships




Communications Designer
Meri Vainiomäki 
tel. 0207 589 625

  • Online communication
  • Visual communication
  • Coordination of internal communication







Head of Communications
Eevastiina Aho, MSc

On leave of absence until 1/2025.





Communications Designer
Milla Talassalo

On parental leave until 9/2025.






Twitter @Acatiimi


An extensive association network in 12 cities

Through our 15 member associations, the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers has local activities in Espoo, Helsinki, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa and Rovaniemi. Two of our member associations are nationwide: the Information Academics (Informaatioalan Akateemiset, INA) and the Finnish Association of Academic Researchers (Suomen akateemisten tutkijoiden yhdistys, SATY).