We expect the government spending limits discussion to include investments in research and expertise

Universities are ready to speed up sustainable growth and working life renewal – long-term RDI investments essential for Finland to succeed

A strong scientific foundation is key when we want to secure our ability to innovate, speed up sustainable growth and prepare for crises. It is important that the Finnish Government assures the long-term care of the prerequisites for research work during its spending limits discussion in April, say Universities Finland Unifi, the Finnish Union of University Professors, the Trade Union of Education in Finland OAJ, Finnish Education Employers and the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers.

The research, development and innovation investment share of the Finnish GDP is lagging behind in international comparisons. This means that our foundation for building future success and welfare has been endangered.

“If we can reverse the trend, it will have a positive impact on Finland’s possibilities for renewal, the creation of sustainable growth and success in international competition”, the organisations state.

The primary means for setting the course straight are:

  • Emphasis on research and scientific foundation that creates something new. This means increasing the basic funding of universities and the resources of the Academy of Finland.Investments in high-quality research are essential for other RDI investments to create added value.
  • Supporting the co-operation of universities and companies.This requires permanent additional funding for expert support concerning the universities’ company interface and partnerships. When universities and companies work in close co-operation to develop innovations based on the latest research information, Finland benefits as a whole.
  • Strong commitment to increasing RDI investments.The long-term renewal work of society and business offers no fast profits. Only investments in research that span several government terms will genuinely improve Finland’s chances of success and sustainable growth.

It is important to remember that the highest international level of scientific research and higher education keeps rising. We need decisive action if Finland is to keep up with the development.