Tatte’s 2023 Autumn Assembly

Tatte’s autumn assembly will take place on 30 November 2023 from 17:00-20:00 in the cabinet at Sitko Pizza (Näsilinnankatu 22). Online participation will also be arranged. After the assembly, participants are welcome to continue the evening in a more relaxed way at Space Bowling and Billiards (Hämeenkatu 23, https://www.spacebowling.fi/english_tampere/). If you’ve been curious about getting more involved in Tatte’s efforts to defend the conditions of academic work, this is a great moment to learn more, meet colleagues, and take on an active role. Tatte is always open to new people, ideas, and initiatives! All members are encouraged to attend.

All proposals, discussion, and voting will take place simultaneously online and onsite. The assembly will be held mostly in English. Remote participants will be sent the link to the meeting a couple of days before the assembly. In addition to the regular autumn agenda items, we will have a presentation from FUURT senior advisor, Nina Hahtela, about the union’s analysis of the government program and its impacts on workers, universities, and unions, as well as an update from a recent Tatte workshop examining the impact of wars and crises on the Tampere University community.

Tatte could not function without the active participation of our members, and joining the board is one of the best ways to get involved. Being a candidate does not require campaigning, and, as a board member, different levels of involvement and time commitments are possible—from simply participating in the (approximately) monthly board meetings to serving as an officer (secretary, vice-chair, etc.) or as member of a working group. It is not uncommon for board membership to be the first active role in Tatte taken on by a member, so new or newly active members should not hesitate to join in. You can participate in board meetings in either English or Finnish, although, in practice, the primary language of discussion is English. All that is required is a desire to get involved with Tatte’s work.

At the autumn assembly, Tatte will also be selecting our representatives to the FUURT union assembly. The union assembly is the primary decision-making body of the national union, so this a great opportunity for members to get connected to those working elsewhere and to help shape FUURT’s advocacy and organizing around higher education and research policy and university working life in Finland. There are usually two such assemblies each year, in the spring and fall, respectively. Typically, these assemblies are organized with simultaneous interpretation to allow full participation in either Finnish or English.  This role can be taken on concurrently with Tatte board membership or separately.

Any Tatte member is always welcome to simply nominate themselves for either or both of these positions directly at our autumn assembly. If you have questions about either of these roles or already know that you would be interested in them, you are encouraged to email us at assistentti@tatte.fi to let us know.  If you know that you would like to serve in one of these roles but are not planning to attend the autumn assembly, it is especially important that you contact us so that we can arrange to nominate you.

An active and organized membership allows Tatte to respond assertively to employer initiatives, to develop and promote our own projects, to nominate individuals to working groups and committees, to organize events and services for our members, to work in solidarity with other employee associations, and to contribute to the broader work of FUURT. There is a lot we can do together, and we hope you will consider getting involved to help carry this work forward.

The board’s proposals for the 2024 annual plan and 2024 budget will be sent to members’ emails later, and at that point, they will also be available from our webpage.

The last day to register for the assembly is November 24th. Members should have received the registration link to their email. Online participants can otherwise still register until 29 November by asking for the Zoom link from Tatte’s assistant (assistentti@tatte.fi).

Please note that you can join our social program at Space Bowling and Billiards even if you are not able to participate in the general assembly. In this case, please send an email to our assistant (assistentti@tatte.fi).


 General autumn assembly agenda:

1.  Opening the meeting

2. Legitimacy of the meeting and confirmation of quorum

3. Approving the agenda

4. Electing meeting officials and the meeting practices

5. Announcements

6. Presentation of FUURT’s analysis of the government program

7. TATTE’s work on the impact of wars and crises on the Tampere University community

8. Board’s proposal for 2024 action plan

9. Membership fees in 2024

10. Board’s proposal for 2024 budget

11.  Election of President

12.  Election of board members and deputy members

13. Election of TATTE’s auditors

14.  TATTE’s representatives in union board and union meeting delegates

15. Other business

16. Closing the meeting



Proposed 2024 Action Plan (English)  /  Proposed 2024 Action Plan (Finnish)

Proposed 2024 Budget (FI/EN)