TATTE wishes to extend its thanks for the possibility to comment on the process of space reduction and campus development currently discussed at Tampere University.
TATTE can appreciate the university’s need to reduce spaces to reduce standing costs, but considers the current goals excessive and challenging to realize. The current plans now extending to only 2025, according to which the university would give up Pinni A fully at the centre campus, Arvo partially at the Kauppi campus and Festia fully at the Hervanta campus, are already considerable reductions in the university’s facilities, even if more equally distributed between the campuses. TATTE expressed its disapproval over the previous space reduction proposal given to the university board:
The current space reduction and campus development plan extending to only 2025 would still involve considerable changes to the spaces available to staff and students, thus impacting the working conditions at the university. Campus development plans should actively utilize the professional expertise within the university when it comes to higher education research and and work-life research, as TATTE has strongly recommended:
Changing the working conditions and working conditions of a scientific community has to be integrally connected to the scientific know-how and expertise. Those parts of the academic community (faculties, degree programmes) directly affected by the changes in university spaces should actively and comprehensively be made participants in designing their new spaces with a clear emphasis on the realization of successful building of teaching, research and community.
TATTE expects that the campus development and space reduction process will continue to actively discuss with and listen to the university community. TATTE has chosen not to oppose the current plan up to 2025 according to the proposal selected by the university board, but makes this decision contingent on active and transparent follow-up of the implementation of the current plan, which takes into account the success, challenges, experiences and future needs of the process. The university community must be integrally involved in this follow-up.
The first phase (up to 2025) of the campus development plan must be evaluated critically from more perspectives than simple cost savings. Changes in the spaces have to be placed in the context of realistic planning, which takes into consideration for example the expected increases to the number of students, especially if distance-teaching and learning potential cannot be fully realized.
TATTE finds that the university cannot reduce its spaces more extensively than what is outlined now, without severely negatively impacting the working conditions at the university – including those of the students – on all campuses of Tampere University. Campus development will affect most if not all buildings when spaces are redesigned and remodelled. For example, when Pinni A will be emptied into Pinni B, this will undoubtedly cause considerable disruptions in the working conditions in Pinni B, never mind likely plans for further construction works immediately adjacent to the university. Such disruptions will impact teaching online and on campus, which is why they must be carried out only when absolutely necessary.
TATTE emphasizes that our contingent support for the current campus development plan, following the model the board has proposed, comes from acknowledging the necessity of some space reductions. However, we cannot support any plans that propose radical reductions to the university spaces, as was originally proposed (reductions by 2030). Simple reductions of spaces are not “campus development”. The proposed reductions to university spaces by 2025 must be evaluated critically without committing to new reductions, other than as a last resort when all other options have been thoroughly exhausted.
TATTE also encourages all members to take advantage of the opportunity to comment on the plans for space reductions on the intranet: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/32487