Tatte’s Spring General Assembly will be held on Thursday, 13 April, 2023 at 5-7 p.m in restaurant Lillan Kök (Kurjentaival 35, Tampere).
The participants will be treated for dinner in Lillan Kök. The main language of the assembly will be English. Please register for the assembly on 6 April 2023 at the latest. The assembly invitation, including the link to the registration form, has been sent to Tatte members by email. If you have not received the email, please contact Tatte’s assistant Jaana Virta (assistentti@tatte.fi). Remote participation is also possible via Zoom. The Zoom details will be sent to those participating remotely after the registration has ended.
After the assembly, you are invited to hop to the wonderful world of board games in the board game café Taverna (Rautatienkatu 10, Tampere). The distance between Lillan and Taverna can easily be covered by Tatte-paid taxi if necessary. You are welcome in Taverna even if you could not participate in the assembly itself. If you are only coming to Taverna, please let Tatte’s assistant know.
- Opening the meeting
- Legitimacy of the meeting and confirmation of quorum
- Approving the agenda
- Electing meeting officials: chair, secretary, scrutinizers and tellers
- Announcements
- Annual report of 2022
- Financial statement and auditors’ report of 2022
- Discharging from liability for the accounts
- Other business
- Ending the meeting
A warm welcome to all!
Tampere, 29 March, 2023
The board of Tampere University Association of Researcher and Teachers (TATTE)
Assembly documents:
- Annual report 2022 (FI)
- Financial statement 2022 (FI)
- Comparison between Tatte’s budget 2022, final accounts 2022, and final accounts 2021 (FI/EN)