Why should you be a member of ITTE and FUURT?

FUURT is a specialist in lobbying researchers, teachers, librarians, and other research staff in universities and other academic institutions.

FUURT is a party to the nationwide collective bargaining contracts and local salary contracts in Finnish academic workplaces. FUURT’s shop stewards monitor that these contracts are obeyed. Other trade unions do not have similar possibilities to take care of salary matters and other benefits for those who work in universities. Read more from FUURT’s web pages above. ITTE is the local association of FUURT that operates in Eastern Finland, at the University of Eastern Finland campuses in Joensuu and Kuopio, for example.

How to apply for membership?

To apply for membership you should fill out FUURT’s Membership form from the page Join the union.

For FUURT local branch choose the Association of Researchers and Teachers of Eastern Finland (ITTE).

Trade union dues

The easiest way to pay dues is by power of attorney.

You can find the authorization form from FUURT’s web pages at MATERIAL – Forms – Authorization form. Print the form. Fill in as local branch number: 005, and as Basis of the amount 1%. Then send the form to your employer’s payroll. (In UEF to Certia).

If you work on a personal grant or you are not working at the moment, you should pay the due yourself by bank transfer, which FUURT sends to you. Then the due is 8€ per month.


ITTE’s board handles the membership application and you will join the ITTE mailing list, where we inform members about ITTE’s current affairs.

If your email address changes, please send mail to ITTE’s member secretary. You may also contact other ITTE board members and shop stewards in issues related to ITTE or if you are facing problems at the workplace where you think a union opinion or assistance would be helpful.

Unemployment insurance

The members of FUURT have unemployment insurance in Opettajien työttömyyskassa.