The Tampere University Association of Researchers and Teachers autumn general assembly will be held on Zoom on Wed. 25 November, from 5 P.M. until c. 6 P.M.
Welcome all to the TATTE ry autumn general assembly! In order for us to fulfill the requirements of the Associations Act during Covid-19, we have reserved a physical meeting space for the assembly from Technopolis, at the address Yliopistonrinne 1, Tampere. Given the widespread pandemic, however, we strongly encourage everyone to use the opportunity to participate via Zoom. All presentations, conversation and votes will be conducted via Zoom.
We ask all participants to sign up for the autumn general assembly by 20 November, 2020 using the form in your email. On the form we ask you to let us know if you will
a) participate via Zoom or physically on-site and
b) if you’d like to participate in the recreational portion of the assembly also (see details below).
We will share the supplementary meeting documents on our website before the meeting. Those who have signed up will receive the Zoom-link and instructions on how to join after the deadline for signing up has ended.
Meeting agenda:
- Opening the meeting
- Legitimacy of the meeting and confirmation of quorum
- Approving the agenda
- Electing meeting officials
- Announcements
- Board’s proposal for 2021 annual plan
- Membership fees in 2021
- Board’s proposal for 2021 budget
- Election of President
- Election of Board members and deputy members
- Election of Tatte’s auditors
- Tatte’s representatives in Union Board and union meeting delegates
- Other business
- Closing the meeting
Recreational program after the Assembly, around 18:15
As always, the Autumn Assembly will be jam-packed with fun social events. We will start after the meeting around 18:15 with a joint movie from Kanopy. The list of movie options includes: Documentary “Climate Refugees (2010)”, Documentary TVTV: Video Revolutionaries (2018), Light drama “Tortilla Soup (2001)”, Comedy “In the Soup (1992)”, Adventure / Horror “Exile (2020)“, Classic / Suspense “The Stranger (1946)” and Short movie “The Phone Call (2015)”. After the movie, we will have an online gaming session where attendees will be able to challenge each-other over “Ludo King [PC/Android]” and “8 Ball Pool [PC/Android] games“.
So, what are you waiting for! Register for the recreational events at the same time as to the Assembly, or sign yourself up for recreations only if you are not attending the Assembly. When registering, vote for your favorite movie and online game to ensure it is part of the recreational program.
As a bonus, interested attendees will also be provided a small Care Package. We will notify all those interested of the instructions on how to pick up the package in a separate email. Make sure to tick the box on the registration form if you would like to receive this package!
Hope to see many of you at the meeting!
A warm welcome to all!
Tampere, 13 November, 2020
Board of Tatte ry
Meeting documents: