Are you interested in developing and promoting policies of equality and nondiscrimination at Tampere University?

Tampere University is reviewing and updating its guidelines and policy on equality and nondiscrimination by the end of 2022. The old policies are still in effect until April 30th of next year, but the new policy and guidelines are meant to fill in gaps in the old policies and to make promoting and following up on equality and nondiscrimination in our university more transparent.


The new plans differentiate between human resources policy and operational, institutional policy. Tatte wants to propose members to the working groups working on these two plans. Membership in the working groups would last only until the plans are finalized.


Are you interested in developing and promoting policies of equality and nondiscrimination at Tampere University? Tatte is looking for people well-versed or interested in equality and nondiscrimination from among the university community, whose contribution to the working groups would be extremely valuable.


Please let Tatte know, if you would be interested in participating in the working groups developing the new plans, and Tatte could recommend your participation officially. Please notify us by Wednesday October 12th by contacting Tatte’s assistant (