Tampere University Association of Researchers and Teachers annual autumn general assembly on 25 November, 2021

The Tampere University Association of Researchers and Teachers annual autumn general assembly will be held as a hybrid meeting this year, on 25 November, 2021, from 5 PM to approximately 7.30 PM. Attendees can join the meeting in person on-site or online. All proposals, discussion and voting will take place simultaneously online and onsite. 

The general assembly will be held at Viking restaurant Harald (Hämeenkatu 23, 33200 Tampere). Please join us only if you are in good health and wearing a mask. Safe distances will also be observed onsite. 

For those interested we would like to invite our members to an escape room adventure (Getaway Tampere) after the general assembly. Alternatively, on-site attendees can also choose a Finnkino-voucher. Remote participants may choose either a Finnkino-ticket and/or a Kotipizza-coupon as part of their recreational programme.

If you would like to attend the assembly on-site, or you would like to take part in any of the recreational activities (escape room, Finnkino- or Kotipizza-voucher), please sign up by 6 November, 2021. 

If you would like to attend the assembly online and you WOULD NOT PREFER to take part in the recreational programme this time, you can still sign up with the same form until 24 November, 2021 (end of the day). 

You will find the sign-up form in your inbox. On the form, we ask you to indicate,

a) if you would like to participate onsite or online, and 

b) if you would like to join a recreational activity after the assembly, and if yes, which one  (see below for details on recreational event).

We will share the meeting materials on our webpage before the meeting. Online attendees will receive a link and instructions for remote participation after the sign up period closes.


General autumn assembly agenda: 

  1. Opening the meeting  
  2. Legitimacy of the meeting and confirmation of quorum  
  3. Approving the agenda 
  4. Electing meeting officials
  5. Announcements
  6. Results from TATTE’s member survey
  7. Board’s proposal for 2022 annual plan 
  8. Membership fees in 2022 
  9. Board’s proposal for 2022 budget 
  10. Election of President
  11. Election of Board members and deputy members
  12. Election of Tatte’s auditors
  13. Tatte’s representatives in Union Board and union meeting delegates
  14. Other business 
  15. Closing the meeting


Recreational activities after the general assembly

Escape Room: Getaway Tampere (Åkerlundinkatu 3 B, 3. floor., 33100 Tampere). The escape room adventure has multiple different themes. The ‘escape’ lasts approximately an hour, from 8 PM to 9 PM. We will send detailed instructions to those who sign up after the sign up period closes. 

Finnkino-voucher and for online participants a Kotipizza-voucher: 

Both on-site and online meeting attendees can choose a Finnkino-voucher. Online attendees can choose a Kotipizza-voucher instead of having dinner on-site. Both vouchers are valid for a restricted period of time. If you would like to attend the meeting remotely, please make sure to click the option for remote participation and your recreational activity of choice. We will send the vouchers after the sign up time closes. 


Welcome, all! 

Tampere, 27 October, 2021

TATTE board


Meeting documents: