Forskarföreningen vid Åbo Akademi r.f. (FfÅA) is a member of the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers, which, in its turn, is a member of Akava.
The association’s most important role is to advocate its members’ interests. This applies to both ÅAU employees and scholarship researchers.
- advocates its members’ common interests in matters related to scientific education, working conditions and economy. The association fulfils its purpose by conducting investigations, presenting propositions and initiatives, negotiating, providing statements and conducting information activities.
- informs its members of benefits and rights.
- represents its members in various cooperation bodies within Åbo Akademi University, such as the payroll system evaluation group, the cooperation committee and the occupational safety committee.
- has a regular member or alternate in the board of the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers and the option of participating in various working groups within the Union.
The activities of the association are organised by the board, and their extent depends on the activity of the board. The board holds meetings 4–6 times per academic year. The board operates on a voluntary basis.
The spring and autumn meetings are open to all members. Statutory topics are discussed at the meetings, but there is also an opportunity to bring up general or specific issues concerning the members’ work situation.
Please join us if you have ideas for how wo could develop our association!

Positions of trust within the university
Union representatives
Union representative Mika Helander, tel. 02 215 4678, e-mail:
Deputy union representative Camilla Kronqvist, e-mail:
Representative in the cooperation committee
Camilla Kronqvist, regular
Sonja Grönblom, alternate
Representative in the payroll system evaluation group
Anna Törnroos, regular
Marie Nordström, alternate
Representative in the occupational safety committee
Ylva Gustafsson, regular
Sonja Grönblom, alternate
Statutes of Forskarföreningen vid Åbo Akademi
- The name of the association is Forskarföreningen vid Åbo Akademi and it is based in the city of Turku.
- The purpose of the association is to advocate its members’ common interests in matters related to scientific education, working conditions and economy. The association fulfils its purpose by conducting investigations, presenting propositions and initiatives, negotiating, providing statements and conducting information activities.
- Teachers and researchers whose main work is conducted within Åbo Akademi University can be members. On the proposal of the board of the association, other office holders can also be accepted as members. Previously acquired membership rights are retained.
4. Members are charged a fee determined by the autumn assembly
5. To manage the affairs of the association, a board consisting of five to ten members will be appointed for the next calendar year in accordance with a decision made by the autumn assembly. At least three faculties should be represented in the board. The deputy chairperson, secretary and treasurer will replace the chairperson in the above mentioned order. An alternate can be appointed for a regular board member. Two board members together sign the associations name.
6. The accounting period of the association is one calendar year, and an operations inspector’s report concerning the management of the associations finances must be submitted for the spring meeting.
7. The associations autumn assembly takes place in October or November, and the following topics are discussed during the meeting:
- a) The operational plan and budget for the next calendar year.
- b) The appointment of the board: 1) chairperson, 2) deputy chairperson, 3) secretary, 4) treasurer, 5) at least one and no more than five other board members and between zero and ten alternates.
- c) The appointment of two operations inspectors and two substitutes for these.
- d) The size of the membership fee for the next calendar year.
8. The association’s spring assembly takes place before the end of March, and the following topics are discussed during the meeting:
- a) The annual activity report for the past calendar year.
- b) The annual accounts for the past calendar year.
- c) The operations inspectors’ report.
- d) The adoption of the annual accounts and discharging from liability for the management during the past calendar year.
9. Other association meetings are held when the board decides it or when at least 1/10 of the members qualified to vote submit a written request for a meeting to the board.
10. An invitation to the association’s meeting should be issued no later than seven days before the meeting through the association’s electronic mailing list or the main electronic communication channel within Åbo Akademi University.
11. Changes to the statutes and dissolving of the association require a 3/4 majority at two consecutive regular meetings.
12. If the association is permanently dissolved, its assets will be passed on to the Åbo Akademi University Foundation. If the association is dissolved because its activities are to be taken over by another association, its assets will be passed on to the new association.
13. Termination of membership. A member who wishes to terminate his or her membership or transfer to a different union must notify the association of this. If the membership fee is not paid, the association has the right to terminate the membership after two reminders. Otherwise, chapter 3 of the Associations Act is applied.
14. In other matters, legal regulations on associations apply.