The Action Plan for the year 2024

The Association of University Researchers and Teachers at the University of Eastern Finland (ITTE ry) is a trade union for academics. The union’s members work at universities, research centers, administration, in the private as well as the third sectors. The common ground for its members is their expertise obtained through education and experience. The union advocates for members’ salaries, social security, and job security.

ITTE ry is a member association of The Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT) and it is also affiliated to the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland (AKAVA). ITTE ry cooperates with the central confederation of FUURT and its local branches, the central organizations of AKAVA, JUKO and other trade unions which are active at the University of Eastern Finland. The cooperation is particularly intensive with Information Industry Academics (INA). ITTE ry enhances its effectiveness by increasing the number of members and by the adequate representation of university staff categories in the organization of the association.


ITTE ry monitors members’ benefits though the activity of its’ shop-stewards and participates actively in the development of the University of Eastern Finland in various administrative bodies of the university. At the local level, the association endeavors to protect the interests and to improve the benefits of doctoral students, university teachers, post-doctoral researchers, university researchers, university lecturers and other members of the association. Particular attention is paid to the situation of members, who are on a short-term contract. ITTE ry strives to promote the employment of its members also outside the university sector. The association promotes equality and aims to ensure that research, training, and other activities are ethical. The questions relevant for members on research grants and members with an international background are consistently monitored.

The Board of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) has started preparations for the organisational change related to the next five-year term of office of the rectors starting at the beginning of 2025. After hearings and preliminary discussion, the UEF Board decided on a model that has one rector and three vice rectors in charge or research, education, and international affairs. The changes made to the organisation also require changes to the UEF University Regulations. ITTE ry follows the organisational change closely to ensure that the perspective of the association’s members is considered. The same applies to the ongoing process of campus development, which may have a significant impact on those members that are working at UEF.

Communication between members and the board

The board of ITTE ry is in contact with its members via e-mails, newsletters, website, and a Facebook-page. During 2024, the association will conduct a member survey to find out what kind of activities the members are most interested in and what are their most important concerns related to the working life and for which the union can potentially influence.

Activities for members

In the year 2024, the association organizes training and leisure events for its members. The objective is to activate members to participate more in lobbying and various other union activities. The board will decide on other activities based on the member survey and other suggestions received from the members.

The Union for University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT) has been active in offering new kind of member benefits. These include e.g., webinars for finding jobs outside academia. ITTE will inform actively its members about these and other union benefits.

ITTE will continue to arrange several traditional gatherings, such as the spring and autumn meetings, excursions, Wappu sparkling wine service, and Researchers on the terrace -summer meeting.