Association of Researchers and Teachers in Eastern Finland
Itä-Suomen Tieteentekijät ITTE ry – Association of Researchers and Teachers in Eastern Finland – is trade union and lobbyist for teachers and researchers in University of Eastern Finland – and also generally in Eastern Finland. It has 700 members and it belongs to FUURT (The Finnish Union for University Researchers and Teachers), which is foremost AKAVA‘s trade union in the University field. AKAVA is an organization of academic wage earners.
ITTE keeps watch of its member’s rights, social benefits, and salary. ITTE’s shop stewards help in problem situations. ITTE’s members are eligible to an earnings-related unemployment allowance.
Anyone working in Eastern Finland as a researcher, teacher, or in research-related activities can join ITTE, which is a big and active player both in Kuopio and Joensuu. You are welcome to take part in our activities, discussions on current topics, and events.
What has ITTE done?
ITTE’s representatives have participated in the preparation of the parity program, guiding principles, personnel strategy, etc. ITTE’s views have an impact on the operation of the whole university. ITTE has an official position in UEF, which enables straight negotiations and local bargains. During the past years ITTE and its predecessors KUTTE (Kuopio) and JoYT (Joensuu) have bargained on several matters including assistant’s research positions, assistant’s duties, grounds of recruitment, etc.
ITTE has representatives in the cooperation advisory board, occupational health and safety committee, and payroll system evaluation group. ITTE’s representative is also on UEF’s board.