Tatte’s Spring Assembly will be held on Wednesday, 9 April, 2025 at 5-7.30 p.m at Bistro Vilja (Hatanpään valtatie 40, Tampere).
The participants will be treated for dinner at Bistro Vilja (https://www.bistrovilja.fi). We will operate in a flexible, multilingual way, and members can participate in both English and Finnish. Please register for the assembly on 31 March 2025 at the latest. The assembly invitation, including the link to the registration form, has been sent to Tatte members by email. If you have not received the email, please contact Tatte’s assistant Jaana Virta (assistentti@tatte.fi). The relevant meeting documents will be sent to our members’ emails in advance of the meeting.
At the conclusion of the assembly, we encourage you to stick around, as we transition to a fun, relaxed evening with fellow Tatte members (also in Bistro Vilja), including board games. We hope you’ll stay and enjoy the evening with us! You are welcome to still join the fun even if you could not participate in the assembly itself. If you are only coming after the assembly, please let Tatte’s assistant know (assistentti@tatte.fi).
- Opening the meeting
- Legitimacy of the meeting and confirmation of quorum
- Approving the agenda
- Electing meeting officials: chair, secretary, scrutinizers and tellers
- Updates and announcements
- Proposal for changes to TATTE’s rules
- Presentation of 2024 annual report
- Financial statement and auditors’ report for 2024
- Discharging liability for the accounts
- Other business
- Ending the meeting
A warm welcome to all!
Tampere, 11 March 2025
The board of the Tampere University Association of Researchers and Teachers (TATTE)