Who can join HUART?
Welcome to HUART, the Helsinki University Association for Researchers and Teachers!
A person with an academic degree who works at the University of Helsinki or an equivalent scientific institution in a teaching, research or other post may join HUART. Conditions for HUART membership may be found in HUART regulations.
HUART Regulations (in Finnish)
When you join the Helsinki University Association of Researchers and Teachers, you become a member of the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT), and if you are working as a salaried employee, you also join the Teachers’ Unemployment Fund (Opettajien työttömyyskassa) HUART members have access to the association’s services as well as to those offered by FUURT and the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland (AKAVA).
Grant-funded researchers, undergraduates, people receiving child homecare allowance, people completing military or non-military service, unemployed persons, and people about to retire are encouraged acquaint themselves with special conditions for HUART membership.
How do I join?
Joining HUART is done through the FUURT website. FUURT’s membership service will answer your questions related to union membership: jasenpalvelu(at)tieteentekijoidenliitto.fi.
Please find more information about membership and about how to join here
Membership fees and membership related matters
You can update your information and check the status of your membership payments in FUURT’s e-service. Please contact FUURT’s membership service (jasenpalvelu(at)tieteentekijoidenliitto.fi) whenever you:
- need new reference numbers for paying your membership fees
- have questions regarding your membership fee
- become unemployed
- start or end a grant-funded research
- start parental leave or a sabbatical
- want to change union or member association
- want to leave the union