In its meeting on 3 May 2023, Jytte awarded grants to 16 applicants (altogether 7425 e), from among the amount of 25 applications (altogether more than 15 000 e). The grants were awarded as follows:
- Kari Silvola, 500 e
- Jarkko Keränen, 500 e
- Margarida Baltazar, 900 e
- Sofia Bister, 200 e
- Merja Uotila, 500 e
- Ha Pham, 500 e
- Fredrik Westerlund, 500 e
- Jenna Koskelainen, 500 e
- Hanna-Mari Ikonen, 300 e
- Saswati Chauduri, 500 e
- Paavo Manninen, 500 e
- Kalle Kolari, 350 e
- Sari Kuuva, 350 e
- Ilkhom Khalimzoda, 325 e
- Oskari Rantala, 500 e
- Marianna Jantunen, 500 e
The next application round is in October-November 2023. Read more about Jytte’s grants here: Grants – Tieteentekijät (