Grant researchers are a crucial part of all universities. They often remain, however, at the margins of university communities. While many important improvements have been carried out in the past years, much is to be done. The Helsinki University Association of Researchers and Teachers (HUART) invites you to a webinar on grant researchers rights and prospects on May 18, at 14-16. The webinar is moderated by Tommi Mäklin (HUART).
The webinar is open for all – Welcome!
14.00 Welcoming words: Laura Kortesoja, vice-chairperson (HUART)
14.05 “Only uncertainty is certain” survey report: Julia von Boguslawski (HUART)
14.15 Panel I: Grant researchers at the margins of the university community: inclusion and occupational health care
Hannamari Helander, Head of Human Resources (University of Helsinki)
Antero Puhakka, Chief Shop Steward (University of Eastern Finland)
Kalle Korhonen, Director of Research Funding (Kone Foundation)
Miia Ijäs-Idrobo, Senior Adviser (FUURT)
15.00.-15.05 Break
15.05 Introduction: Determinants of doctoral researcher’s wellbeing – from research to practice: Maria Törnroos, Psychologist (Aalto University)
15.15 Panel II: Grant researchers’ wellbeing and best practices
Maria Törnroos, Psychologist (Aalto University)
Liisa Suvikumpu, Managing Director (The Association of Finnish Foundations)
Ilkka Haukijärvi Director, HR Services (Tampere University)
Aleksandra Dobrego (PhD researcher) & Igor Mikeshin (Postdoc) (HUART)
16.00 Conclusion: Laura Kortesoja, vice-chairperson (HUART)