Info on walkout 6.2

Dear members of FfÅA,

Tomorrow 6.2. at 14-16 there will be a walkout arranged by the Researcher’s union in protest of the government’s plan to weaken the legislation concerning working life. The walkouts are officially organized at the University of Turku, the University of Helsinki and Tampere University, but FfÅA members can take part in the walkout in solidarity. FfÅA encourages its members to participate in the walkout if the have opportunity. Note that this is a political manifestation, not a strike, in which every one can take part on their spare time, and it cannot interfere with work.

Program: Walkout “For a better working life in Turku” organised at the University of Turku.

14.00 Walkout

14.30 Gathering at the Cathedral square

15.00 Stop at Turku Square

15.30 Arrival at the VPK house

16.00 Walkout ends


More info here: FUURT information on the walkout The Akava FAQ on the walkouts 6.2


The board of FfÅA