Forskarföreningen vid Åbo Akademi r.f. invites its members to the Autumn Assembly on Monday, November 4th, 2024 at 18.00 at restaurant Tintå, Läntinen Rantakatu 9, Turku. Please notify your attendance in person (with dietary requirements) to by 28.10. It is also possible to attend the meeting via zoom. Send an email to the address above and you will get a zoom link.
The meeting deals with statutory matters such as the election of the Board of FfÅA for 2025. These meetings follow a predetermined agenda and cannot be changed during the meeting. If members want to discuss something officially during the meeting, members should send in a suggestion 14 days before the meeting. However, it is of course also possible to discuss other matters at the meeting unofficially. The autumn meeting gives us in the board a chance to get to know you as members, and at the same time gives you an opportunity to discuss with each other! Would you like to know more of how an autumn assembly is conducted? Please see the attached explanation of the points in the agenda for more information!
We are also very interested in getting more and new people on the board, so if you have an interest or become interested in hearing more about the board work, do not hesitate to contact ( or come along and hear more about us at the autumn meeting!
- 1. Opening of the meeting
- 2. Establishing the meeting’s legality and quorum
- 3. Election of meeting secretary and minutes adjusters
- 4. Approval of the agenda
- 5. Action plan for the next business year
- 6. Budget for the next fiscal year
- 7. Board elections for the next fiscal year
1) chair
2) vice chair
3) secretary
4) treasurer
5) At least one and a maximum of five other board members and zero to ten supplicant members.
- 8. Financial auditor for the next fiscal year
- 9. Decision on membership fee for the next fiscal year
- 10. Other matters
- 11. The meeting ends