Defenders of Academic Work in Vaasa

Vaasa University Researchers and Teachers Association VYTY organises

Defenders of Academic Work discussion event

Academics produce the knowledge that our society needs. The Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (FUURT) works to support all academics as a unique science policy advocate.

Come to listen and discuss how the everyday life of academics and those that support academic work is addressed in advocacy work both locally and on the national level. And what kind of successes have recently been achieved through our advocacy activities. Come also to share what you hope from our promotion of interests.

The event will be held in both Finnish and English.

We will offer each participant a dinner and coffee. Also bring your colleague who is interested in FUURT – we will also offer a dinner to them! Register in advance by 13 April here.

Register in advance by 13 April


Maija S. Peltola
President, FUURT

Teemu Mäenpää
Chair, VYTY