Bilingual Parliamentary Elections Panel Discussion by HUART

Helsinki University Association of Researchers and Teachers (HUART) invites you to a bilingual Parliamentary Elections Panel Discussion March 13, at 17-19 in Tiedekulma in both English and Finnish! Topics: Funding, researchers’ career paths, well-being at work…


Ville Jalovaara (SDP), Maaret Castren (Kokoomus), Simon Granroth (RKP), Marleena Isomaa (Ps), Petra Malin (Vas), Mari Holopainen (Vihr.) ja Tuomas Meriniemi (Keskusta).

The event will be hosted by Kirsti Sintonen.

Sign up and propose questions to ask from the panelists here

You can also follow the event via stream:

You are warmly welcome to join us!

Get to know FUURT’s parliamentary election manifesto