Juko’s Head Steward at the University of Jyväskylä

Head steward Matti Leppäniemi
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (Ag D422.3), tel. 040 805 4646, email: matti.leppaniemi [at] jyu.fi

Head steward Jaana Toomar
Department of Language and Communication Studies (OPK 105), tel. 040 805 3229,
jaana.toomar [at] jyu.fi

Jytte’s Stewards (2024)

Jouni Kaipainen
The Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius (348) , tel. 040 805 4416, email: jouni.p.kaipainen [at] jyu.fi

Johanna Turunen
Department of Music, Art and Culture Studies (D205), tel. 050 361 9629, email: johanna.k.turunen [at] jyu.fi

Jytte’s Vice Stewards (2024)

Margarethe Olbertz-Siitonen
Department of Language and Communication Studies (A 320.1), tel. 040 356 2508, email: margarethe.olbertz-siitonen [at] jyu.fi

Hannah Yoken
Department of History and Ethnology (H301), tel. 050 590 4620, email. hannah.k.yoken [at] jyu.fi

Feel free to contact any of the shop stewards independent of the faculty or department.