Academic Self-Defense

Aalto University Researchers and Teachers ATTE organizes

Academic Self-defense Event

on Tuesday, 11 October at Otaniemi Campus from 3 to 5 pm. The event is targeted at ATTE and Aallon huiput members. The event focuses on how to recognise and tackle inappropriate behavior at work and the rights and duties of doctoral researchers.

The venue for the on-site gathering is at TUAS-building (Maarintie 8) on the ground floor seminar room AS4 (Note! only 32 seats). The first hour will be offered also as hybrid after which we’ll continue with coffee, snacks and free discussions.

Enrolment by Wednesday, 5 October at stina.giesecke(at)


Stina Giesecke

ATTE chair and shop steward

Maija Mattila

Senior Advisor, FUURT